Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Call to Bullets!

Bulleteers from all over Spain (and beyond) are welcome to join the II Annual Madrid Road Trip this SATURDAY, SEPT. 22, 2012.
We'll be leaving from the PLAZA SANTA ANA in Madrid (at the top of Calle Huertas). Meeting time: 8:30 am. We'll be riding clockwise around the Comunidad de Madrid, starting in the south and stopping for lunch at CASA PAULINO in LOZOYA around 2:00pm. The total trip may be as much as 450 km.

Everyone is invited to join us! No registration fee needed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I am looking for some info on purchasing a used cast iron model bullet in Spain before the end of this year sometime. I am coming from New Zealand (nz royal enfield distributor). If you are able to help please can you email me - michael@royalenfield.co.nz


    Michael Clark


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